
Kya hua, kab hua, kyon hua, kidhar hua, kaise hua. Bas itna hi.

Friday, June 25, 2004

Patronising Secularism: Watching Dev Through Muslim Eyes - The Times of India 

Happened to read this article in today's print version of the Tabloid of India and wanted to comment on it. Found the online version of the article so I can.

Patronising Secularism: Watching Dev Through Muslim Eyes - The Times of India

The beef with the film that the writer has is summed up in this paragraph

Dev is insidious. It takes one of the most brutal communal carnages in modern India, and seeks to resolve its dilemmas by resorting to stereotyped image-making about Muslims, distorting the events of Gujarat, and peddling a watered-down, patronising version of the secular principle. At best, it's another offensive film but one whose secularism will appeal to far too many people.

Why do stereotypes work? Its because they have an element of truth in them. You know that its a stereotype, but deep down you know that atleast some of it is true.

The events of Gujarat in 2002 were simply an action-reaction sequence. That's all.

Justification of the events, validity of the reaction, alleged state complicity in the massacre are things to ponder about.

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